The Iris Shark Tank India Season 1 Unseen Pitch Complete Review

In The Iris Shark Tank India Unseen Pitch, Pitchers talks about the lack of curiosity to understand things in today’s kid’s lifestyle. He told that we have captured the environment and lifestyle of the children. He asked the sharks if anyone knew why a bee has four wings. And why are there thorns in the grass? Nowadays there is no time to pay attention to many such things.

When children will notice all this, then they can know about his science and invention regarding these questions. At the time of making pictures, many things of nature are made to be noticed. To participate in this curiosity, he presented the microscope in microform for the children.

Unseen Pitch The Iris FounderAnindita Ghosh & SM Srinivas
Unseen Pitch The Iris Ask₹10 lakhs for 15% equity
Unseen Pitch The Iris Company Valuation₹66.67 lakhs

About Unseen Pitch The Iris Shark Tank India

The Iris Founders have pitched their business with a great quote;

“आवश्यकता अविष्कार की जननी है,

तो जिज्ञासा अविष्कार का जनक है। “

All the inventors of the world are born with some kind of curiosity. But we restrict children to their questions and curiosity. Under such curiosity, when the business pitcher made an accidental invention, they thought about sharing the curiosity from that invention with more children. The Iris Founders met during their Plus1 studies and then did engineering from the same college, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

Pitcher Srinivas was more fond of the project than the studies. In his project, he needed a device that could zoom in on a mobile image. Due to making such a glass, he got an accidental invention. After that, with the help of his mentor, he worked on this Pocket Microscope and made it a product for the use of children.

The Iris Shark Tank India Unseen Pitch

The Iris Shark Tank India
  • The Iris Pocket Microscope can do 100X magnification.
  • So far 30 boxes of The Iris Pocket Microscope have been sold.
  • The Iris Pocket Microscope Box is priced at Rs.799.

The Iris Pocket Microscope SWOT Analysis

We also list down its Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. Due to this analysis, we are able to see the business objectively from every point of view and take decisions more easily. The business entrepreneur who is able to take big decisions in less time becomes a successful business entrepreneur. Unseen Pitch The Iris Pocket Microscope does not get investment, but to learn business attitude from this business case study, read it in more detail by adding merits and demerits.

The Iris Shark Tank India Pocket Microscope Strength

Experimental Business Pitchers

Shark Anupam also advised them to focus on business curiosity with enthusiasm by expressing their lack of business curiosity. Everyone appreciated his idea and effort. He had a burning desire to do something, which he should concentrate on and work on.

The Iris Shark Tank India Pocket Microscope Weakness

Product Design

Shark Ashneer called it a small product equivalent to a balloon cart and exited the investment. He told that if he could make a lens, which could work like a microscope by connecting it to a mobile and making a picture or video of it, then it could become a very useful thing.

Such a product has been made earlier in Africa and India with cardboard which was not scaled. By adding a few features to use by the customer, not much can be expected on the market. The need and purchase of this equipment in the market require very good technology and concept in the product.

The Iris Shark Tank India Pocket Microscope Opportunity

Range of Product and Pivot Market Sales

Shark Vinita encouraged the tagline of “The Iris – Curiosity kept Alive and said that the idea has been presented very well. On this, Shark Namita should also try to create hope by connecting them on the tagline in some other way in a time-bound manner and create a little concept by making a product, which can be tested with sales strategy and expand the business.

He told that it will have to experiment in a new way and new thinking will also have to be seen by pivoting with reality. The purpose with which he created the business is a very ambitious idea. He should try to increase it with the learning of business.

The Iris Shark Tank India Pocket Microscope Threat

Pre-revenue Business

There are only 30 BK of The Iris Pocket Microscope available so far. The products of this series have come earlier also. As such, there is no big unique business proposition on which to project sales.

All the hard work of the business has not started yet. Shark Namita told very well that there is a huge gap between expectations and sales and before investing one has to verify the sales and projections. Pre-revenue business can get investment only when it has to prove itself true to the very unique definition


In this full discussion of The Iris Shark Tank India Unseen Pitch, you would have got guidance about your hope and business interpretation. Many new products for children are seen in a new era. Many such pocket products are scaling up in the market for learning and playing, while the entire range is closed in many kid’s zones. To study this product, we looked at the equipment in toy shops and tried to add many points.

We could not find any products similar to The Iris Shark Tank India Unseen Pitch. Today, big businesses in Markat present a horizontal range of products by creating the concept of child care. And those businesses are accompanied by very good quality and child-friendly booklets and information. If you want to add any assessment of a product business like The Iris Pocket Microscope to this post, then by commenting, do make suggestions for learning in the interest of all.

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